
We offer a wide range of Financial services to meet every type of business.

Virtual CFO

Choose Your Plan

Sign up for the plan that fits your needs perfectly.

Type Start up Focused venture Growing enterprise Professional Enterprise Large Enterprise
Size Annual revenue < R1 million Annual revenue R1 – R2 million Annual revenue R2 – R5 million Annual revenue R5 – R20 million Annual revenue >R20 million
Service R1,600 per month Pricing only valid for first 12 months' service. R3,800 per month R6,500 per month R9,000 per month R14 600 per month
XERO software subscription Y Y Y Y Y
Auto-entry software subscription N Y Y Y Y
Supplier invoice processing and payment allocation Y Y Y Y Y
Customer receipts allocation N Y Y Y Y
Accounting recordkeeping Y Y Y Y Y
Income Tax Submissions Y Y Y Y Y
VAT submissions N Bi- Monthly Bi- Monthly Bi- Monthly Monthly
CIPC annual return submission Y Y Y Y Y
Bank Reconciliations Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly Daily
Quarterly Management Accounts N N Y Y Y
Consultation hours per month 1 1 1 1 Per agreement

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Virtual CFO

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